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Understanding Overlocker / Serger Thread Types

Updated: Oct 4, 2023

When you're new to overlocking / serging there are a lot of things to learn and it can all be a bit daunting. Take it slow and learn a bit at a time and you'll get there.

So to help you start to understand thread types, here's an overview of when to use the different types of thread for Overlockers / Sergers, depending on the type of project your working on!

For overlocking / serging regular garments, use a basic thread
For overlocking regular garments, use a basic thread.

Everyday Garments

For overlocking / serging everyday clothing like dresses, t-shirts and blouses, use regular sewing thread or overlocking / serging thread for a normal seam finish.

For overlocking stretchy garments use a stretchy thread to help prevent popping.
For overlocking stretchy garments use a stretchy thread to help prevent popping.

Stretchy Fabrics

When working with stretchy fabrics like jersey or spandex, you should consider using woolly nylon thread in your loopers. This provides extra elasticity and prevents popped seams.

For overlocking decorative items experiment with decorative threads.
For overlocking decorative items experiment with decorative threads.

Decorative Stitching

For decorative stitching on projects like quilts, home decor items, or crafts, experiment with specialist decorative threads, e.g. silvers and golds, to add visual interest and texture. These threads need not be robust as they're less likely to be continually stressed.

Heavy Fabrics

For heavy fabrics like denim, canvas, or leather, opt for heavy-duty or top- stitching thread to ensure strong and durable seams.

Special Occasion and Specialist Projects

For special occasion garments or highly decorative items like wedding clothes or curtains, consider using decorative threads to add elegance or uniqueness. But give some thought as to whether they will be stressed and need to be more robust, e.g. a bodice side-seam, or not stressed and so don't need the same strength, e.g. around the edge of a veil.

Vintage Style Overlocker Project Journal
Vintage Style Overlocker Project Journal

Top Overlocker / Serger Tip: Always Keep Notes!!!

When you are working on an overlocking / serging project always keep notes of the project for future use. Write down the fabric, thread type and overlocker / serger settings as well as any other notes that may be helpful in the future, including the things you tried that did not work!

Here's a beautiful and very inexpensive journal on Amazon that would make a great gift for yourself or for anyone who has an overlocker / serger, whether they are a beginner or are very experienced!

Over the years you can build up a beautiful library of all your overlocker / serger or sewing projects for your own use or to pass down through the family.


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