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Why Does An Overlocker / Serger Skip Stitches or Stitch Unevenly?

There are various reasons why an Overlocker / Serger might skip stitches or make uneven stitches. When troubleshooting bad stitching, here are the tops 5 things which might be casuing the problems. Of course (and we always say this!), read your manual as every overlocker / serger is different!

Incorrect Threading

Improper threading is one of the most common causes of uneven or skipped stitches. Make sure all threads are correctly guided through the thread path, tension disks, and loopers as per your machine's threading diagram.

Tension Imbalance

Tension settings play a crucial role in achieving even stitches. If the tension on one or more threads is too tight or too loose, it can cause uneven or skipped stitches. Ensure the tension is balanced by adjusting the tension dials according to your overlocker's manual & fabric type.

Dull Needles

Worn or dull needles can struggle to penetrate the fabric properly, leading to skipped stitches or uneven stitch formation. Replace the needles regularly, especially if you notice any signs of wear, bending, or snagging

Fabric Handling

Different fabrics require specific settings on the overlocker. If the fabric is stretching or puckering during sewing, it can result in uneven stitches. Adjust the differential feed and presser foot pressure to match the fabric's characteristics.

Machine Maintenance

A lack of regular maintenance can lead to uneven stitching. Dust, lint, and debris can accumulate in the needle area, loopers, and tension disks, affecting stitch quality. Clean and oil your overlocker as recommended in the manual to keep it running smoothly.

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